A Must Last Days End Time Read

The Most Spectacular, Earthshaking Event of the History of the PlanetAn Urgent Survival Guide For Those Left Behind

 If you are reading this before the most spectacular, earthshaking event of the history of the planet has ever witnessed, then thank God you were led to read this before that event happened. The Guide will help you in seeing what others won’t be able to see, it will show you predictable events that with advanced warning and alertness you may be able to escape these horrific-events. If you are reading this Guide after this great event, the Rapture, you now know what you have heard about the “end-times” is true. 

This is your opportunity, right now to have a personal miracle that will save you from perishing. You are encouraged at this time right now before reading any further to go to page ^ and say the prayer with conviction, mean it with all your heart, go now. The Guide is a literary-prophetic-picture of the next seven-years of the darkest events the earth has ever seen. The evilest, the most diabolical, satanic-period of man’s history on planet earth. The Guide is to motivate the reader to partake in a new awareness of these troubling times and turn to the Truth.

 James Woods II a graduate of Shiloh Bible Institute where he was extensively and in an expository-manner taught the Word of God in Biblical knowledge and in Biblical truth.