
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens (Greek: empowers) me.  

Most Christians do not have total confidence in the promises of God.  They would like to see them fulfilled in their lives, but are not really expecting the answers to arrive until they get to heaven.  

Strongholds in the mind are established whenever a person feels a situation can’t change.  A person who says he can’t overcome his temper, has established a stronghold in that area.  This allows the enemy’s forces to enter through that door and cause many other problems in his life.  

These strong-holds will continue as long as you do not completely depend on the Lord, or spend much time reading His Word.  Fear will stop you from starting something the Lord has for you, even though God says you can do all things through Christ who gives you the strength.  Look for Scriptures to overcome the problem, then depend on them.

Life Changing For Children

Alvin Gan demonstrates the Gospel and the way to salvation in a fascinating and fun John 3:16 Animated children’s tract. With the use of the famous verse in the Bible (John 3:16, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. NCV) and an incredibly fun and innovative way to keep a child’s attention, the author has developed John 3:16 to share the Good News through the use of moving animation. This children’s tract shares the Gospel message in a way that will impact children. Basing his motivation on Jesus’ statement, “Let the little children come,” this author has created products (see his website below) that will not only bless, but teach the way to salvation in Jesus Christ. Children can win family and friends to Christ through the amazing fun animation. 

These little children’s tracts have the potential to be life-changing! With a creative talent and focusing on the joy, salvation, and eternal life offered through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the author teaches the basics of the Gospel and has created a website that encompass such products as: animated tracts, pop-up tracts, greatest gift sticker story, wordless tracts, pumpkin shaped candy tracts for Halloween time, Easter egg shaped candy tracts for Easter time, The True Story of Christmas and a tract developed for sharing the Gospel to older children in a contemporary grungy style. 

The John 3:16 verse is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Products are also available in a larger size and all materials are available in bundle amounts.  This is an innovative and powerful evangelism tool to teach the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life to children. 

Recommended for Christians, churches, children and youth ministries to purchase as a way of sending kid’s on evangelism trips and to use within a vacation Bible School this summer.  All products include free-shipping around the world and a 100% money back guarantee.

For some wonderful ministry, visit Let The Little Children Come where you can place your orders.
  • Tract Title: John 3:16 Animated Tract
  • Created by Alvin Gan
  • CBM Book Review
  • 10.0 out of 10.0 Stars

Get Your Copy Of Rachel's New Book In Kindle

Get your copy at Amazon, in Kindle or directly from the author. It Was Not My Fault! All the Glory to God by Rachel Lee White.

Rachel has written a faith-filled and unique book of prayers bringing to light her own experiences that relays the message to readers in that we over come by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

A wonderful testimony. Bringing insight to the power of prayer, the author offers hope to others that as the author notes from Creflo Dollar as famously spoke, “Your past does not determine your future.”

An easy read. Three short chapters cover: Early Childhood, Young Adulthood, and Middle Adulthood to Present Day that are designed to relate to God. Readers will find this book an inspiration as to how to know and draw near to our Father in Heaven through the connection of prayer.

Born out of much grief, her story is heartbreaking as she was orphaned at the age of 10 by violence that penetrated her home through her father who wounded her mother, which led to her death and his eventual suicide. Raised by her grandmother, the chronic grief opened unwanted “drama” in the author’s life. Finding herself with 2 babies and homeless by the age of 18, she was persuaded by Child Services to give her children to Foster Care, and soon followed their adoption.

Fostering the truth of God’s Word, this book comes highly recommended as an inspirational tool to young adults (especially young teenage girls) that need to understand that nothing is their fault (as the title denotes) and that God is able to complete the work He has begun. This is an amazing short prayer testimonial filled with Scriptural and foundational truths that renew the mind that will catapult readers towards thankfulness and the amazing love and grace of God.

Get your copy today, It Was Not My Fault! All the Glory to God at Amazon or get your download in Kindle. You may visit Rachel at her website, The Disciples of the Blood of the Lamb for more information and some great ministry.

A Down To Earth Read For Dads

This is an exciting, down-to-earth read that will help others gain traction in understanding that they cannot change their past, but they can become a better man, husband and father through Christ. 

Filled with the theme of redemption, the author offers hope in coming to the One who truly knows you – Jesus Christ. A Better Man, Husband and Father by Joe Miller is a compilation of 180 short, easy-to-read daily devotionals that take men on a journey to becoming a better man, husband and father.

Penned with love and  to reflect and re-construct character, the author poignantly, and sometimes humorously assists men in gaining spiritual insight into this thing called “life.”  Beginning by looking at the man in the mirror, the author leads readers on a journey of redemption from past hurts, failure and baggage, pointing to them to a new life in Christ.

A Better Man, Husband and Father is filled with encouragement and inspiration as the author brings wisdom, hope and light throughout the 180 daily devotional.  Many different subjects are covered such as: prayer, being a good marriage partner, and children to name a few that give understanding and advice. You may get your copy of A Better Man, Husband and Father by Joe Miller at Amazon and in Kindle.