What is the answer to the so called environmental problem? How about paying more fees when you smog your car, of paying more fees to drive your car, maybe more gasoline taxes might help, or more stimulus money. Maybe higher electric bills, higher gas bills, fines for using to little water or maybe fines for using diapers. Have you ever notice how the answer to the environmental problem is more money out of your pocket. It's like there is this scream about the enviorment and it has a long arm that desires to dig into your pockets.
Well we can land on the moon, soar the solar system, destroy complete cities with bombs, invent great ideas, built entire cities and when you think about it we could also invent, design and put into place huge air filter systems within our communities that would filter the air. In fact, the amount of money spent on the Iraq war would probably have provided the funds to build a clean air system to filter and clean the air for an entire city like Chicago.
My point being, is that where there is a will, there is a way. Just like landing on the moon and our space programs.
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